Commercial Grocery Store Chain in South and Florida Regions
Improve mechanical room cooling applications and reduce impact on building pressure
Increased consistency in control setpoints
Universal remote setpoint control management
Enable password protection and ability to prevent set point change in contrast to design intent
Decrease volume of service calls
Achieve energy savings through energy efficient operation of refrigeration, HVAC, lighting, building pressure, etc.
Install evaporator fan coil in machine room for equipment cooling that is connected to the medium temp rack with CPC controls
Re-work MR outside air exchange cooling strategy to activate exhaust fan with refrigerant leak or a manual override button
Install a building pressure sensor to monitor and control store pressure
Install dewpoint sensor
Calibrate refrigeration pressure transducers and operation critical temperature sensors
Program all controls to customer specifications
Automated monitoring
Average annual energy savings of $9869 per site
Increased display features up time correlated with reduction of service workorder calls